5 Red Flags in Relationships You Need to Watch Out For

So you’ve found the love of your life. Congratulations!

Victoria Taylor
3 min readDec 5, 2022


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Now that you’ve found someone special, doesn’t let your guard down. It is important to trust your instincts and pay attention to red flags in relationships.

These five red flags are dangerous and can indicate future problems.


Dishonesty is the foundation of all other red flags in relationships. If you wonder if your partner is being honest with you, this can be a big red flag in relationships.

Without trusting your partner, you can’t be open with them. There will always be a nagging feeling that you can’t fully trust the person you’re supposed to be closest with.

Constant Criticism And Demeaning Remarks

This is one of the red flags in relationships that can be harmful. It’s never okay for a significant other to criticize you publicly or privately constantly. Criticism should be constructive and be about how you can do better. It should never tear you down!

A Reluctance to Share Your Intimate Moments with You

This is a big red flag if your partner seems reluctant to share their most intimate moments with you. A reluctance to share intimate moments could indicate that your partner is ashamed of you. This can be anything from a past they’re ashamed of to their general sexual preferences.

Whereas couples need to share intimate moments!

A History of Violent Behavior

You should be able to trust that your partner will not physically harm you and will do whatever they can to keep you safe. You may have heard stories about women killed by abusive partners. This is a real risk if you stay with a partner with a violent history.

Belief That No Relationship Is Perfect Or Ever Will Be

While it is important to expect the best from a relationship, there also needs to be realistic expectations. Relationships are not easy and will never be perfect.

If your partner thinks everything is a reason to end the relationship, you should be very careful. Being critical without balance is a common sign of an emotionally abusive person.

How to Respond to These Red Flags in Relationships

  • If you notice your partner being dishonest with you, you can confront them and tell them you’ve noticed. You can respectfully let them know you are concerned about their dishonesty.
  • You need to set healthy boundaries if your partner is constantly criticizing you. You can let your partner know you do not appreciate their critical nature.
  • If your partner seems reluctant to share intimate moments with you, you can open up the conversation and ask why.
  • If your partner has a history of violent behavior, you must be especially careful or leave these relationships.


The red flags in relationships above are dangerous. They can lead to more significant problems if you ignore them. You need to make sure that your relationship is healthy! Don’t let these red flags in relationships ruin your relationship before it even has a chance to get off the ground.

This article is written by a therapist from the Sensera app. Sensera is the #1 mental health app for women. Deal with mental issues in 10 minutes a day. Improve your mood and relationships. Download now to get happy!



Victoria Taylor

I'm working to manage my low self-esteem and ongoing anxiety. Wanna assist others. My self-therapy app: https://sensera.app