5 Things I Learned Working as a Parole Officer

This will change how you think about human behaviour

Eamon McGrath


Image by Eamon McGrath

My first job after graduating as a Social Worker was as a Parole Officer.

Talk about a baptism by fire.

There I was at the ripe old age of 23, suddenly given a level of power, responsibility and authority, that looking back 15 years later just seems absurd.

There were a couple of weeks of training, then before I knew it I was on the front lines.

As with much of my working life, many of the lessons from this period only crystallized upon reflection years down the track.

I started that job feeling I had some grasp of psychology, human nature and society — this self-assuredness was soon obliterated.

I quickly learned that while human behavior was often predictable, it was rarely rational.

Take a second to read that again.

Understanding that rational thought is not the main driver of human behavior can give you a huge advantage in life.

You will be able to develop a level of self-management and mastery that most would only dream of. Relationships will be easier and more satisfying. You can make work and business decisions based on what actually motivates…



Eamon McGrath

Copywriter | Coach | Social Worker | Father of 4 | Aussie ex-pat who sold all my sh*t and moved my family to Bali