5 Traits of Genuinely Charming People

Don’t worry, you can grow into it.

Alex Li San


Photo by Dalila Dalprat from Pexels

Do you wish you were effortlessly charming? The kind of person everyone wants to be around?

I used to think about it all the time. I resented my awkwardness, comparing myself to an imaginary charmer who’d always know the right thing to say. My ideal self would make people smile when he walked in the room, and he’d never have to worry about sticking his foot in his mouth.

But over the years, I concluded that charm is a work in progress. It’s not as simple as being born confident and witty — it takes some work and a lot of patience. So, let’s talk about the traits that will make you both likable and hard to forget.

1. Sincere curiosity about the world.

Research shows that people like you more if you ask them lots of questions.

That doesn’t mean you need to interrogate the person you’re talking to. Just let them talk about their kids, pets, hobbies, or whatever else comes to mind. Everyone likes a chance to rhapsodize about the thing they care about. And on some level, everyone likes to be the center of attention — provided it’s the right kind of attention.

On the other hand, curiosity also makes you a better conversationalist. If you pay attention…

