6 Signs Someone Isn’t Worth Your Time

Pay attention to the subtle red flags.

Eric Sangerma


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

During my first few weeks at college, I made friends with a guy who seemed really smart and proactive. We barely knew each other but we got along well — we exchanged notes, drank coffee between lectures, I lent him some of my CDs (yeah, those were still a thing at the time). But there was one thing about him that kept pecking at the back of my mind and I couldn’t quite make sense of it.

Whenever I asked him about the time, he would give a vague approximation. For example, if it was 3:20, he’d just say it was 3. If it was 6:35, he’d say it was 7. It was like he was too lazy to use more than one word to respond to my question.

Plus, he was always short on change. Whether it was for the vending machine or the bus, he’d always need a few bucks. He wasn’t struggling financially or anything, he was just careless like that. Although I didn’t mind it at first, the trend slowly became highly irritating, up to the point where I needed to address the matter.

That conversation didn’t end well. Long story short — we stopped being friends from that point on.

It took me some time to really understand that episode in my life. It wasn’t until much later that I understood my ex-friend. Life taught me a few valuable lessons on…



Eric Sangerma

I Help Companies Excel and Individuals Thrive. I write about Mental Health, Relationships and Productivity. Follow me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericsangerma/