6 Signs You’re Struggling with High-Functioning Anxiety

I seem to be keeping it together but I’m a ball of nerves inside.

Eric Sangerma


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

I never thought I was anxious because I was always able to cross out the majority of items on those ‘Tell-tale Signs of Anxiety’ lists.

Never have I ever had a panic attack, avoided social interactions, or had trouble sleeping. I never thought I was anxious until I read about something called high-functioning anxiety.

Unlike typical anxiety, high-functioning anxiety lets you handle anything that comes your way. In fact, you’ll probably do it impeccably.

It’s for this reason that people with high-functioning anxiety are often viewed as extremely poised, enthusiastic, and successful. But there’s a storm of insecurities brewing underneath it all. If they aren’t managed, your life can become a nightmare.

If most of the following apply to you, you might be dealing with a high-functioning form of anxiety.

1. You’re Super Early to Your Appointments

It’s always better to be early than late. It’s a sign of conscientiousness and responsibility. But having high-functioning anxiety means you’re doing it because you’re scared of failure and criticism — you just can’t stand the…



Eric Sangerma

I Help Companies Excel and Individuals Thrive. I write about Mental Health, Relationships and Productivity. Follow me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericsangerma/