7 Habits That Keep Me Vibrant At 70

The time to build them is when you're a young whippersnapper.

Don Johnson


Photo by Mariclaire Day-Johnson

I'm seventy now, and it isn't what I thought it would be — it's way better.

In my fifties and sixties, I had my share of personal and professional challenges, but now I'm more peaceful, vibrant, productive, and committed to helping the world get back to better as ever.

That's what this article is about — seven habits that contribute mightily to my well-being.

Of course, you can get on board with these at any age, but I’m suggesting if you're young and they become part of your daily routine, they'll likely serve you well as you get older.

1. Develop a mindset of abundance.

Worrying about money at any age is a drag, but you sure don't want to be worrying about it as you get older. When you're younger, the typical things to do are investing wisely, living within your means, staying as debt-free as possible, and so on.

But there's something more important because you can do all that and still be a mental wreck.

The real game-changer is what goes on in your head. An abundant mindset includes financial, spiritual, mental, emotional, work, and relationship dimensions. The abundant mindset…



Don Johnson

Author | Meditation Teacher | Advocate for Kindness, Respect & Freedom | Human Potential Coach | Connect with me here: www.bemoreconscious.com