8 Signs You’re On The Right Path

Even if you feel lost.

Katarzyna Portka


Photo by Mateus Souza from Pexels

If your world feels like it is falling apart, and you can hardly put the pieces together, I have good news for you:

You may have just found yourself.

How to know when your old world is falling apart so that the new order is falling into place?

Your old ways don’t fit.

The lifestyle that used to seem attractive no longer holds any appeal. You start questioning your career, your relationships, and your goals.

It is okay to feel lost. In fact, when you reach the crossroads and hit breaks to evaluate where you are going, it is when you find your way.

The uncertainty can be madly thrilling if you choose to see it that way.

Questioning your life’s purpose helps you tune into who you are meant to be. To open yourself up to new experiences, you must venture into the unknown.

If you are willing to explore novelty, you know you are on the right path.

If I let go of who I am I become who I might be.

Lao Tzu.

You don’t chase relationships.



Katarzyna Portka

Hungry for advice? I am here for you. I write about small habits that lead to monumental changes.