8 Ways To Reignite the Flames in a Long-Term Relationship

You can still love someone, even when things feel stagnant.

Synthia Stark


Use love to remind you that you are both capable of making change — Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

When you’re in a relationship, there comes a point where it’s clear that you’re in it for a long haul. Perhaps you’re brushing your teeth noisily while your partner takes a shower next to you. Meanwhile, a little child runs about and hugs you ferociously by the knee.

The child won’t take no for an answer, and you’re completely unphased by whatever your partner is doing in the shower. You’re both co-existing into a melting pot of honey and you both know it. Life is messy, and you’ve both started to embrace it.

As the days gradually blur, the long-term flames of romance look uncertain. The initial flames have temporarily faded, and you’ve fallen into a stagnant routine. You fear the worst, despite knowing that you always have a way of making things work out in the end.

1) Switch Things Up and Compromise

It’s hard to accept, but we cannot expect our partners to do things exactly the way we want them to. We can, however, learn to make compromises so that the best of both worlds is being taken care of.

Perhaps you cook in one style, and your partner cooks in another style. As long as the food is great…



Synthia Stark

Canadian Therapist & Former Researcher | 5x Top Writer | Writing about mental health, psychology, science, etc. https://linktr.ee/SynthiaS