An Unconventional Approach to Managing Anxiety

5 ways to find calm through the Divine Feminine

Lisa Marie Rankin
Published in
7 min readAug 13, 2023


Photo from the author’s ProCanva account

I glance at the clock. It’s 2 AM. My mind immediately races to the ugly estrangement with my father. I play back the same tired narrative, “I’m right. He’s wrong.” And all of the reasons that this is true.

“Now is not the time to be rehashing this,” I gently tell my mind.

“No problem,” my mind replies. “Let’s ruminate over your argument with your son.”

“I would prefer not to think about that either,” I say.

“Alrighty, why don’t we break down this month’s bills? Are you sure you should have enrolled in that Mastermind?” My mind tries again.

I can feel my heart start to race. My nervous system feels like it exists on the outside of my body, like some sort of exoskeleton. I don’t think I’m ever going to fall asleep.

“I would really like to sleep right now,” I plead with my fretful mind.

I bring my attention to my body: the racing heart, the general feeling of unease, the heightened awareness.

This is interesting. I think to myself. I’m experiencing anxiety. Let’s sit with it. It’s not that bad — sort of an exciting feeling. Like I was getting ready to go on a roller coaster. And though…



Lisa Marie Rankin

Heal your body and enliven your spirit through Divine Feminine practices and principles to thrive in all realms of life.