Are You Still Looking For The One?

Don’t listen to TV, no one’s coming on a horse to save you.

Alex Rosado


One pea in a pod? (Via Pexels)

Are you the one? I wondered relentlessly. Are you the one that will come and save me? White horse, glass slipper, and castle? Will you be there for me?

Why is that a common expectation? Why are we looking for “the one”? Why would life be so much better with someone by our side? Life can be good with someone by our side, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be good on our own.

I used to believe in that one true love. Yet, 20 years later, here is the thing: I don’t think I need to be saved. I’m happy with my failures, comfortable in my hurts, fulfilled in my doubts, sane in my fear. I’m good, thanks. I’m still here, managing my day-by-day happiness. I’m paying by the hour.

So why do I still wonder if someone is the one?

It started young

I grew up showered by rom-coms, teenage drama shows, coming-of-age novels, and love songs. I would have given up everything to have that one person that completes me by my side. You know, the one that would sweep me off my feet and take me away. I craved for the love they talked about, crying when I thought I was losing my only chance at happiness.



Alex Rosado

French. Oversharer. Occasional critic. A bit dramatic but still figuring things out