Aren’t We All Born To Be The Best?

I believe we are all born champions; we just tend to forget that.

Vladimir Decio Kruglov
4 min readJul 8, 2024


As R. Buckminster Fuller said, "Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them."

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

I love the quote, and I recently (finally) understood its exact meaning.

You know how when we were kids, we had extremely big ambitions and goals? We wanted to be astronauts, billionaires, professional athletes.

And then, those inspirations disappear, and we forget them.

Did you know that there is an exact correlation between two things and this "de-inspiration"? It’s when we realize how difficult it is to achieve all of that.

Doesn’t that just sound awful? Lazy, perhaps?

To me, it does; and if you can’t relate, I’m convinced I can change your mind by the end of this article.

“Never Stop Dreaming,” my father told the world.

My dad is a successful businessman, a corporate C-level leader, and a runner.

He once told me that he had wanted to become a scientist throughout his childhood—and how he achieved that goal; in fact, he now leads a team of them.

He never gave up on his ambitions.

In turn, he achieved his goals.

I talk about him because he is the closest person to me who I have an example of—and I find it quite inspiring.

He always told me to have high yet realistic ambitions.

Even though I don’t completely agree, I find it inspiring. I think that the ambitions we set should be almost unrealistic.

P.S. The quote in the headline comes from the way he ended one of his company’s promotional videos (powerful).

99% Choose the Easy Path

...and for obvious reasons.

I mean, you could still be average, make fifty thousand dollars per year, save up, invest, buy a house when you are fifty, have kids, vacation once or twice a year, and end your life happily.

But is that "mediocrity" what we truly want?

For some, sure. But for most of us, no: we want to be the richest, the coolest, the most famous; we are afraid of the challenges that come with them.

Is that wrong? No.

But that’s why there are the "average" and the "above average."

The difference is, the “above-average” people face those challenges and genuinely try their best in life.

Ignore Those Who Tell You to Enjoy Life Instead

There are many people my age whom I work with who make regular content on Instagram. Their comment sections are full of haters who tell them things like, “Go enjoy your childhood,” “You’re too young for this,” etc.

..and that throws the demons out of me, honestly.

How are people who spend hours scrolling on TikTok teaching people how to live their lives? What?

We live in a jealous world: lazy people will tell you to be like them.

On the one hand, successful people will tell you to emulate them.

Do you know what the coolest part of all this is? The best way to enjoy life is to become successful. Do you know why?

..because then you have no worries and can do what you love.

This is the reality: most just don’t accept it.

You Won’t Grow In Comfort

Those two things do not exist in the same realm.

If you constantly stay in your comfort zone, you’ll end up staying like everyone else—because that’s how the successful differ from the average.

If being better (and wealthy, and more appealing, and healthier, etc.) were easy, everybody would do it.

..but it obviously isn’t easy.

And that’s why not everybody is fit, rich and attractive.

Not everyone is willing to go through the trouble—even though so many people want it. They think sitting on the couch will somehow help them.

People believe that they will be better off being "normal".

In reality, they are not “average”; they are in a race to the bottom, a race that is a rabbit hole.

The way you become average is by wanting to be above average. The way you become above average is by wanting to be world-class. The way you become broke is by wanting to be average. It’s all a cycle.

To Be An Achiever, You Have To Do More

Let’s make a fairly simple example.

If you go to the gym every single day, disregarding how you feel or how sore you are, you will inevitably outperform the one who goes to the gym five times per week.

It’s not that difficult to understand—it’s a combination of physics, biology, and math.

The same thing applies to you working more hours—you will outperform those who work normal hours; that’s just how it works.

So, if you want to be the best at running, for example, you will have to do a lot more than average; that’s what gets you to being the best.

If you do the average, you become average; if you do a lot, you become a lot.

For The Disclaimer

I don’t want to hurt anyone here; I’m simply trying to inspire.

..and I know I am qualified to do this.

I know this because I’ve overcome many challenges I mention here (and I know that I can and will overcome those that I haven’t yet).

Hopefully, you got a good reminder.

I write on Medium to help you, follow me :)

Thanks a lot for reading!




Vladimir Decio Kruglov

I write about how you can become who you want to be and achieve your goals. I also ghostwrite for cool people.