How Running Improves Your Attention Span

The Power of Monotasking

Pablo Andreu


Image by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash

I barely did cardio in my 20s. I was more of an I-lift-things-up-and-put-them-down kind of guy. I didn’t understand people who ran marathons. It seemed like a total waste of time. Did they enjoy torturing themselves? What was the point? Then, a few years ago, I started running. It finally clicked. Running doesn’t just train your body. It trains your mind.

Weaning Yourself Off Distraction

Deep Work is a nonfiction book about achieving deep concentration in order to boost productivity. According to the author, Cal Newport, the distraction economy has played a big role in eroding our attention spans:

“Efforts to deepen your focus will struggle if you don’t simultaneously wean your mind from a dependence on distraction.”

Limiting social media and other consumptive distractions is part of the solution, but you also have to retrain your brain to focus.

That’s where running comes in.

Running Is Quintessential Monotasking

