How to Be Happy Alone: A Guide for Extroverts

Tips from an introvert.

Eric Sangerma


While being extroverted makes you happier and even healthier on average, it has some major downsides too.

Scoring high on extroversion makes you more likely to take stupid risks and get sick or injured (especially during a pandemic). If you happen to be a CEO, it might cause some workplace problems too.

But the main issue is that loneliness is harder for you to cope with, and you don’t like being alone.

So what happens when there’s nobody around? You end up feeling depressed, listless, disoriented, unfocused. You may start questioning who you are and what you’re doing with your life. You can’t find fulfillment in your work, and you can’t enjoy your free time to its full extent.

How do you deal with persistent feelings of loneliness? I hope you’ll take an introvert’s advice.

1. Let Go of Any Shame You May Feel

If you show up alone at an event or a restaurant, you may feel like everyone is staring and judging you. Rationally, you probably know that there’s nothing wrong with going out into the world by yourself. But on a subconscious level, it makes you feel like a friendless loser.



Eric Sangerma

I Help Companies Excel and Individuals Thrive. I write about Mental Health, Relationships and Productivity. Follow me: