How to Identify and Challenge Thinking Errors

Cognitive behavioral strategies for healthier thinking.

Jill (Conquering Cognitions)


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Thoughts have power. Our internal dialogue about our strengths, and weaknesses, directly impacts how we feel and how we choose to live our life. There are times that we get stuck in negative thinking which can lead to poor decisions and emotional pain.

The good news is that our self talk can be altered to provide opportunities instead of hurdles. This is the foundation of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

I was first introduced to CBT in 1996 while attending a workshop with Dr. Christine Padesky, co- author of Mind over Mood. I was captivated. The idea that thoughts have the ability to impact our mood and behavior resonated with me. I could immediately think of several examples where my own thoughts contributed to unnecessary pain and hurdles.

In the past twenty-five years of clinical work, I have repeatedly witnessed how changing thought patterns can positively impact an individual’s life. Our internal dialogue can be a source of energy and motivation, or a stumbling block that keeps us stuck in a self defeating cycle.

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”

Henry Ford



Jill (Conquering Cognitions)

PsyD, Clinical Psychologist | Writer | Words in Human Parts, Forge, Better Humans | Life Lessons Supported by Science