I Tried a 30-day Plan to Break Up with My Phone

Five impactful activities from that month you can try out

Tessa Char


Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

First, some background. In mid-2019, I quit social media after listening to a podcast episode on digital minimalism. I deactivated all my socials and was off the radar for a year. It felt liberating. I felt free and I loved it.

But in mid-2020, I was brought back to the world of Instagram since I started my own company and you know how it goes — you need a social game to grow in today’s digitally-dominated world. I re-introduced technology intentionally like the podcast had suggested and it worked out great. For example, with Instagram, I kept up with the news, promoted our work, and used it for specific purposes, like market research. I thought my dive back into the world of socials was good, and I had a pretty good relationship with my phone.

So when my intern, Linda, told me she was starting a 30-day plan to break up with her phone, I thought, “good for you, because people are too dependent on their phones nowadays,” as I’d learned from my year detox.

But then I became curious to see how good my relationship with my phone actually was. Was it as good as I thought? With pure curiosity and no expectations, I decided to join Linda on her 30-day plan and see where this journey might take the…



Tessa Char

(W)righting the wrongs in the world in justice, feminism, dating, self-help, travel, mental health, and well-life. https://linktr.ee/tessachar