I‘ve Been Getting Distracted Recently

And I know that it’s fine, because nobody dies.

Vladimir Decio Kruglov
4 min readJul 7, 2024


Most of us go through an endless cycle of working as hard as possible > starting to get distracted > not getting any work done for days > repeat.

Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

That’s due to different things for different people.

For some, it is a lack of motivation; for others, it is literally the fact that there is no work to do; for some, like me, it is the fact that we lose hope.

… and all of that is fine.

That is a work cycle that might work for some: burning oneself out is a strategy that many successful people use (it worked for me until recently).

So, if you are not suited to this lifestyle (burning out), I have a solution for us.

Create a Tailored Work Cycle

By tailored, I mean personalized.

Look at your habits and track them: How often do you get distracted? How much time do you need to work again? How long is the perfect workday?

Try to answer all of these questions over the course of a week or two, and then customize your plan (also according to what you need to do).

For example, say Mark can do two hours of deep work per session, and he needs a 15-minute water and banana break in between. He can also work long hours, up to 10 per day (only using this approach).

So then, guess what Mark does? He plans his day accordingly.

Another thing you should do is track how much work you have to complete in a month, for example. You might then need to extend your schedule to fit the timeframe (still better than nothing).

Now, some important notes about this:

Take Breaks Often.

And I don’t mean “sometimes”; I mean frequently.

Do it on a very regular basis: once every hour, every two hours, or even take a break every 15 minutes to take a sip of water (and come back immediately).

I mentioned this in my last post, “Nobody’s gonna die if you take a break.”

And I explained that this is literally true for doctors (according to statistics, if doctors don’t take a half-hour break every four hours, patients die).

It’s a quote from Ali Abdaal.

We all have time; we usually have more than enough of it. Of course, it’s not limitless, but it’s substantial—a 15-minute break won’t ruin your career.

Hydrate More Than Necessary

Yet another exclusively important tip.

Water is something that people tend to forget a lot. In fact, I know that many of those around me barely drink any water.

Drinking more water has several effects (not soda or juice):

  1. Clear mind (literally)
  2. Much more energy
  3. Better overall condition (feel more alive and endorphins)

… all these contribute to extremely higher productivity.

So, the easiest step you can take to become more productive is to drink more water, even if you already drink plenty.

Work as Productively as You Can

There is a very famous book titled “Deep Work” by Cal Newport that discusses how to focus when distractions are prevalent.

It’s a great book, from what I’ve heard.

I haven’t read it myself, but I know the concept very well.

You have to try to focus as best as you can and literally dive into the workflow while it’s there — because once it goes, you’re in the queue for a long time.

Talk to People

This is the most effective way I have found for myself; it has never failed me.

Socializing with people will always solve temporary problems like feeling sad, tired, or unmotivated—literally anything.

If you are in an office, talk to your coworkers.

If you are in school, classmates,

If you are in college, (you will have) dorm mates.

If you work remotely, either pet your cat or call your loved ones.

You can always find someone with whom to make small talk, and you must remember that it is, in fact, very effective for taking breaks.

Your mind wanders off completely from the work realm.

And turns on “relax mode.”

Don’t Overlook Working Cycles

Many people tend to go into their everyday work life (whether it’s studying, office work, etc.) without any plan—and that ends up being the reason they burn out on a consistent basis.

Which we obviously don’t want, so make a plan that fits you.

That’s it.

I write on Medium to help you, follow me :)

Thanks a lot for reading!




Vladimir Decio Kruglov

I write about how you can become who you want to be and achieve your goals. I also ghostwrite for cool people.