Living a Conscious Life: How to Find Peace, Wholeness, and Freedom in a Chaotic World

My new book will be unleashed into the wild blue yonder on June 4th.

Don Johnson


“If I had to describe Living a Conscious Life as a math equation, it would be incredibly gifted writer + super important subject area = home run book that must be read. With the world as it is today, nothing is more critical than becoming more conscious. Don Johnson’s beautifully written book will help people do just that.”

David Gerken, Former Writer for The West Wing. Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher

Accomplishing your dreams often takes time and patience.

I started writing on Medium four years ago. It took me weeks of struggle to write just one story. Stephanie Georgopolus, the founder and publisher of Human Parts at the time, read my first article about my meditation practice and asked if she could publish it.

That got things going.

Now, here I am, a guy who got a D in creative writing in my only writing class in college, with a book published by Select Books out of NYC. Go figure.

If you’re an aspiring writer and want to write a book, my two cents of advice is: If I can do it, you can, too.



Don Johnson

Author | Meditation Teacher | Advocate for Kindness, Respect & Freedom | Human Potential Coach | Connect with me here: