Manifesting and Affirmations Don’t Work…

… befriend your shadow and expand your nervous system to get what you really want.

Lisa Marie Rankin


Author’s ProCanva account

My heart was racing as I tossed and turned in bed. “How could I leave my children for this weekend workshop? What will become of them if my plane goes down in a ball of fire? They still need me!” My mind reprimanded me for taking the three-hour flight to Miami for a feminine embodiment event I’d been excited about for months.

I lay in bed imagining every worst-case scenario that could happen on a plane — including snakes. And when I get bored of the doom and gloom scenarios that movies and television shows are made from, I simply chastise myself for being so selfish to abandon my family.

I’m in a downward spiral of fear and panic. If I go to sleep right this second, I will get four hours and 25 minutes before I have to wake up at 4:30 AM to catch my flight.

I know the tactics to calm my agitated nervous system: Breathe deeply. Drop the storyline. Orientate to my surroundings.

Stay with the body. Hold the difficult emotions. I walk myself through embodiment practices just like I would a client.

I count my breaths.



Lisa Marie Rankin

Heal your body and enliven your spirit through Divine Feminine practices and principles to thrive in all realms of life.