Millennials Got Productivity Wrong. We Should Focus On This One Thing Instead

Is “Do Your Best” actually good advice?

Cal Axe


Photo by Beth Jnr on Unsplash

I hate to admit it, but millennials grew up somewhat coddled.

I’m sure I still have participation trophies collecting dust somewhere.

We all came from the “Do Your Best” era.

This isn’t a knock-on our parents. “Do your best” is good advice. We don’t control the outcome and its consequences, but we can control doing our best.

Not perfect, your best.

When I was a kid in little league baseball, I hated getting in the batter’s box. I feared getting hit by a fastball or striking out in front of my friends. In my defense, all pitchers suck at 11 years old, so I was constantly getting beamed. Doing my best helped in this scenario.

Do your best is hard-wired into millennials, but I learned last year that there’s more to it than giving it the ole college try.

The Productivity Quote Everyone Should Be Thinking About

I recently received an award at work. It was a big award. As a result, the company is flying me out to Cancun in a few weeks. Pretty cool!



Cal Axe

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