Musings of the Year:

Things I have learned, followed, and am grateful that I have learned.

4 min readJan 1, 2024


1. Gratitude is a powerful practice:

The harder the days, the harder I go on gratitude — research shows that gratitude can change the neuroplasticity of your brain.

Just taking a pen and paper and writing down the things you are grateful for (be it anything and everything that you value truthfully) can immediately put you in a better state.

On the days when there isn’t anything I am grateful for, I think of all the problems I could have right now, but I don’t have. It immediately puts everything in perspective & and I ask myself, what is that one thing that went well today on a frequent basis to remind myself if there is at least one small thing that went well each day.

That still is a collective of 365 things you can be happy and grateful towards the end of the year :-)

2. Developing a strong foundation of knowing:

As you grow older, there are constant tough decisions you have to make.

Do I want that promotion → if yes → what are you willing to give? If not → what is it that you are trading it for?

Do I need that friendship → if yes → how do I want to resolve the issues with them? If not → what accountability am I taking on my part to communicate?

Did I mess up something → if yes →, am I holding myself accountable for it, and do I have the courage to face it and fix it?

Does today involve having the toughest conversation with someone → am I going to do it or push it under the rug?

Each time one makes a thoughtful decision and takes responsibility for that result, one develops a strong sense of knowing and a very strong intuition — literally so strong that your gut feels the pain physically when you are doing something so out of alignment.

Image by the Author

3. Making decisions without attaching the ego to them:

If a friend or colleague is having a problem or going through something tough, why is it so easy for us to guide them correctly? Because we don’t attach emotion to it, and there is no sense of “I” in it.

But if we go through something similar, we sulk and ruminate, and we cannot accept that this is happening to us.

Detaching the emotion from the situation, when we can zoom ourselves out of the situation, give ourselves a little compassion, and think through the situation more logically, helps us make any decision with the right mind.

4. Finding balance:

Finding your balance emotionally, physically, and mentally is a power to have. In between the ebb and flow of life, it’s so important to have balance. And no one day does it look the same. Knowing when to rest, when to show up, when to go all in, and when to pull back; when to react and when not to — that balance is everything. One has known the rhythm of balance when one can endure the ups and downs with a certain amount of ease.

5. Knowledge without action is of no use:

One might read the best of books, work with the best of coaches, and take the best courses, journal all that one wants, but if none of that is put to use or put in action, there is no use to the time and energy spent on it.

6. The most valuable thing you will ever own is time and energy:

In a few relationships, they won't look for you if you stop showing up. Maybe if you stop trying, that relationship will end. Maybe if you stop texting, your phone will stay dark for weeks. That doesn’t mean you ruined the relationship; it means the only thing that sustained it was the energy you gave to keep it. That’s not love; that’s an attachment. It’s giving chance to those who don’t deserve it.

You deserve so much more. The most valuable thing you have in your life Is your time and energy, as both are limited. The people and things you give time and energy will define your existence.

7. Learning to choose oneself:

No amount of love or chemistry can ever make up for the anxiety that is guaranteed when you remain in a “situation” with someone who doesn’t choose you. The only way out is to choose yourself.

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💜 for Books, Self-improvement. All views are my own.