My Husband and I Sleep in Separate Beds

Our marriage has never been better

Elizabeth Eve


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Getting separate beds may have been the best thing that ever happened to our marriage — on a daily basis level, obviously.

After getting married, two light sleepers trying to navigate different wake times proved challenging — really challenging. A few days a week, my alarm went off at 4:30 a.m., and despite lying my gym clothes out the night before as not to shuffle through the drawers while Jared slept, the ever so gentle sound of stepping out of bed would wake him, and if it didn't, our dog — assuming it was time to get up — did. Not to mention my frequent bathroom trips during the night. It was like every time I moved; I woke him up.

Looking back, I’m not sure how we made it work.

Jared, the light sleeper, was the one who suffered really. He fueled his workdays with iced tea from the Starbucks in his building. I couldn't bear to tell him that it may not be caffeinated.

A year or so into our marriage, Jared's dad was remodeling his house and gave us an antique four-poster bed made of cherry hardwood with ornamental carvings throughout the wood for our guest room. Ever since my first dollhouse, this was my dream bed. We splurged on a good mattress, justifying it with jokes (sort of)…



Elizabeth Eve

Forever a work in progress. Writing about pets, body image, self, and other reflections. Always written with vulnerability and authenticity.