Neither Independent, Nor Dependent: The Power of Embracing Interdependence to Transform Your Life and Your World

How a simple cup of tea lead to the realization of humans interdependence and the impact that realization had on my work and life.

Charles Black M.D.


Photo by Charles Black and Courtesy of Chuck Black Photography.

As humans, we are neither dependent nor independent; we are all interdependent.

While relaxing with a cup of tea, I realized how interconnected people are.

It wasn’t some ayahuasca concoction. It was a simple cup of hot chai on the deck of a cafe in Wisconsin. The tea wasn’t the critical part of this transformative experience; how the tea got to me was.

Sometimes, the prosaic moments in life transform us more than the monumental events.

How It Started

I was sitting in the sun outside a cafe in Sheboygan, Wisconsin when a server brought me my transformational beverage. As I thanked her, I wondered if she had brewed the tea or if it was another employee. That trivial thought sent me down the proverbial rabbit hole.

I wondered about the process of brewing this simple cup of coffee. Sure, someone had heated the water and added the tea leaves, but before that, someone had to open that…



Charles Black M.D.

Dr. Charles Black is a general surgeon, author, photographer, outdoorsman, world traveler and fireside philosopher. Website: