Something beautiful happened — time stopped.

But did you?

Hannah Corfield


While the tragedy of Covid-19 has made our outside world fall apart, our inside worlds have come together. Lockdown has given us the unexpected gift of time — the majority of us anyway. After all, everything has a silver lining!


Many people were not blessed with this gift of time, they were instead blessed with the strength to work on the front lines during this pandemic. But for those of us in lockdown, I think we can all find something to be grateful for in these last months.

Before lockdown, we were rushing. Living in a world of impatience, overstimulation and fast pace. Now we have had the chance to slow down. To breathe. We’ve had time to rest, reflect and evaluate the big picture. We’ve had time to think. We’ve had time to ask ourselves; “What do I really want from life?” “Is my current job making me happy?” “What are my priorities?”.

No one ever imagined it was possible to put the world on hold for a moment. Maybe we never even realised we needed a break. But now that it’s happened, I think we can say “thank you”.


I’m thankful that this lockdown time has given me the opportunity to see my life from a different perspective. I’ve had a chance to see my…



Hannah Corfield

Two-time emigrant, skipping the surface, on a journey of self-discovery. Writing along the way.