Speak Your Truth, Even If No One’s Listening

The world is eager to listen to you, they just don’t know it yet.

Rishav Jain


Photo by Will Kell on Unsplash

I once saw a boy, probably 4 years old, babble for an hour without context.

He started speaking gibberish and did not stop. He went on and on and had so much fun doing it.

He had so much to say yet his brain was not developed enough to form meaningful sentences that others could comprehend.

Most people are like that 4-year-old child.

They’ve got so much to say but they just can't express themselves. Not because they cannot frame meaningful sentences, but because they are too scared to speak their truth.

The illusion of numbers

I started a YouTube channel 5 years ago, made a couple of videos, and then stopped. I felt no one was listening to me, so what was the point of speaking my heart out in front of a camera?

The thing I didn't realize is that it takes time to build an audience and hoarding followers is the wrong mindset when it comes to content creation.

Followers is a just an arbitrary number, that boosts one’s ego.

Chasing numbers is a game that no one can ever win because nothing is ever enough. 10k followers is…



Rishav Jain

I write about self improvement, business and life lessons. Join my weekly newsletter: newsletter.rishavjain.com