The 12 Foundational Habits for a Good Life
Last week, I discussed the importance of foundations, the essentials in life we all need, simply by virtue of being human.
I also hinted at my upcoming project. I am taking a year to strengthen my own foundations, while working with a group of people who want to do the same.
One year is twelve months. So, if you spend a month focusing on building each foundation (plus doing maintenance the rest of the year to ensure it is stable), there is enough time to focus on twelve different foundations.
With this project in mind, here is the list of foundations I plan to cover, as well as the keystone habits that will support them, and my first guess at the books I want to read (or re-read) during the month:
1. Physical Fitness
Keystone Habit: Exercise for thirty minutes every day.
Fitness is a paradigmatic example of a foundation. While not everyone needs to be an Olympian, we all benefit from being in shape. Being in shape comes with an enormous list of benefits to health, mood, longevity and even cognition.
But being in shape is not something you can “bank” through an intensive project and not worry about later. You need to maintain good habits and attitudes to ensure you’re getting enough physical activity by…