The 4 Leading Predictors That Your Relationship Will End

According to the man who can predict divorce with 90% accuracy

Casey Braga


Photo by Honey Fangs on Unsplash

For many of us, we can sense when our relationship isn’t right for us. If you are anything like me, you’re probably an expert at convincing yourself the relationship is right, despite your intuition screaming at you that something is wrong.

That is why I was so intrigued when I heard there was a researcher who could predict divorce with over a 90% accuracy rate. Well, if I can’t trust myself—maybe I can trust the research? My rational brain may be able to fight my gut feeling, but it certainly can’t fight science.

Dr. John Gottman is about as famous as you can get in the world of the psychology of relationships. His research and work have focused on what makes marriages stable and the factors that predict divorce. Gottman has identified communication patterns in couples that often led to separation, patterns he calls “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.”

If we think the relationship is worth the work (and it’s okay to not think it is), we can replace the four horsemen with something that gives, rather than takes, from our relationship. These are known as the antidotes. As with most things, awareness opens up the opportunity for introspection and honest examination…



Casey Braga

I’m just trying to learn as much as I can when I’m here. Student of counselling psych and my many mistakes. Soft-hearted, open-minded, slow-moving.