The Girl Who Loves Herself.

You can be that girl now

Janine Friedrich


Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

When you ask yourself what the happiest, most loving, confident, and successful version of yourself would be like, you’ll get pretty clear answers. Those answers are your action plan! And you know what? You can be her now — the girl who loves herself genuinely. Because that version of yourself is already within you waiting to be awakened. Just start embodying her by doing the things she would be doing until it feels like the most natural thing to do. This is probably the easiest way to true self-love.

A while ago, I got my action plan too and I hope it will inspire you.

#1 She would let her first thought after waking up be a thankful one.
So she does.

#2 She would make her bed in the morning.
So she does.

#3 She would smile at herself in the mirror and say things like “I love you, baby!” or “Damn, you’re so adorable!”
So she does.

#4 She would take time to do her flexible morning routine (yoga, meditating, …) because it makes her feel good.
So she does.

#5 She would drink plenty of water and eat healthy and nutritious foods.
So she does.

#6 She would take three deep breaths before eating mindfully and without distractions.
So she does.

#7 She would listen to her bodies needs and act accordingly.
So she does.

#8 She would keep her home tidy and clean.
So she does.

#9 She would speak kind words to herself and think only positive, uplifting thoughts.
So she does.

#10 She would become aware whenever her self-talk and thoughts for some reason slip into a destructive and negative mode and know immediately what to do about it.
So she does.

#11 She would acknowledge her feelings and take time to self-regulate (with breathwork, journaling, EFT, …) instead of suppressing or repressing them.
So she does.

#12 She would smile at strangers when she is walking through the city and always encounter others with love, kindness, respect and empathy.
So she does.

#13 She would take very good care of her teeth, hair, skin, her whole body.
So she does.

#14 She would create the most wonderful and adventurous experiences for herself (because she knows it is her that has the creative power within).
So she does.

#15 She would speak her mind whenever it is necessary, and she would do so with a calm state of mind and without attacking someone else personally.
So she does.

#16 She would know that she is worthy and deserving of love and respect.
So she does.

#17 She would dress in a way that makes her feel amazing.
So she does.

#18 She would exercise to stay fit and not to reach a certain body ideal (because she knows that beauty goes deeper than the surface).
So she does.

#19 She would make sure to have lots of time for the things she loves (writing, quality time with loved ones, sex, reading, singing, dancing, drawing, outdoor activities, new adventures…)
So she does.

#20 She would stand up for herself, never let anyone treat her badly and have strong boundaries.
So she does.

#21 She would believe in herself and never give up going after what she really wants no matter how difficult it seems to be.
So she does.

#22 She would live her life to the fullest, take risks and know that no dream is ever too big.
So she does.

#23 She would laugh a lot and be herself, unapologetically.
So she does.

#24 She would love freely, unconditionally and without regrets.
So she does.

#25 She would believe in miracles and know that anything is possible.
So she does.

#26 She would go for evening walks in nature because she loves to breathe in the fresh air and because it helps her to wind down.
So she does.

#27 She would write down all the things she is grateful for every night before sleeping.
So she does.

#28 She would make sure to get enough and restful sleep.
So she does.

#29 She would carry on the list whenever she finds out that something is missing.
So she will.

#30 She would memorize all these things and embody them day after day because she already loves herself.
Yes, she does.

It’s your turn now. What would the happiest, most loving, confident and successful version of yourself be like? Start to embody it today.

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💚 Feel free to show your love by sipping a delicious hot chocolate with me.



Janine Friedrich

Passionate writer & poet. Topics: Spirituality, Body Mind & Soul, Sexuality, Health, Self-Compassion, Personal Development.