The Insidious Poison of Porn F*cks up Your Mind and Life

Regain control of your masculine life force

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2022


Photo by Jaime Rivera:

With puberty’s slap, innocent little boys turn into ragingly horny demons.

And the alluring cocaine of porn sneaks into their lives.

What follows is a repeating cycle of incognito tabs, cum socks, and post-nut guilt — until your ball sacks shrivel up with one foot in the grave.

Trapped in this illusory prison of self-pleasure, your real mental health, ambition, romance, and life fly out of the window.

This intoxicating poison reduces the vibrant colors of REAL life to a drab grey.

Withered, your soul will get. Unfulfilling shall be real intimacy. Untapped will be your potential.

And unlived your life.

Porn Messes You up Mentally — at A Deep Level

Evolution has only one goal — propagating the species.

Millenia of evolution has wired us with the deep drive to mate with the best possible female — to pass on the best possible genes to the next generation.

Be it a six-figure business or a ripped six-pack, everything we do subconsciously stems from…



Neeramitra Reddy

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