The Overdraft On Our Wedding Day Should Have Told Me Everything

And I Should Have Called It Off Then

Susan Kelley


Photo by Bob Oh on Unsplash

Picking up my bridal bouquet stays in sharp focus for me, even now, so many years and a whole messy divorce later.

I had chosen a simple cluster of ivory roses, what is often called a ‘nosegay’ that I could carry in my hand. It was elegant, but not lavish. I dipped into the shop to pick it up from our favorite flower shop, the one where he’s bought the flowers for one of our first dates, the flowers he wooed me with, that I adored.

I handed the debit card to the woman behind the register, and heard the ominous *beep* that accompanied the news I had heard many times before in August. The sound that meant our account was overdrawn.

Flustered, I handed her cash to pay for the roses, and left the store frustrated but not surprised. Money was always tough for him to manage in August. Teachers don’t get paid in June, July, and August, when school is not in session, and he didn’t budget well for those months. Lots of times, money was tight in August.

But this was just August 4th. The beginning of the month. Our wedding day. How could there be no money in the account? No money for my flowers? Really?



Susan Kelley

Susan is a runner, a mom of 3 grown children, and an avid traveler. She writes about humans, and wrote a book about false accusations of sexual assault.