The Pain of My First Surgery Led Me to Ask These 3 Life Changing Questions

And they can help you through the hardships of life.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi


Photo by HH E on Unsplash

I wish people knew what it's like when the needles in your IV tube get air and swell up your entire wrist. After that, the antibiotic liquids the go inside through it feel like a thousand needles entering your veins. You feel like your blood vessels will blast. Even thinking of it makes me sick in my stomach.

I was excited about this procedure. I’ve had this injury for nearly a decade and it now put me at risk of early osteoarthritis. I thought the 3-month long rehab and 2 months of bed rest won’t be hard. I’ll be pampered and chill in bed.

I watched my surgery as it was arthroscopic (a tiny camera goes inside your knee joint). I am too weak-hearted to see a drop of blood or a minor cut, but luckily, when they drill into bones, there’s no blood. It's just all white and the residual bone post drilling looks like cream. Nothing graphic, really.

What followed next was a torture.

Both my knees had new ligaments now because they were ligament deficient and my knee joint was weak. I woke up not feeling my legs because of the general anaesthesia. It was pleasant. I felt nothing and kept falling asleep.

