The Small Things That Brings Me Happiness as a Scandinavian in America

It’s in the details

Melissa Frost


Photo: Private

Happiness is not constant. It’s not guaranteed. It comes and goes. You can be happy and filled with joy one day, miserable the other. We all know it, we live through it.

People often say I’m an optimist, and I try to be. More often than not, my days are filled with good things and I am generally a positive person. As a Scandinavian, some simple, small things have caught my attention and brought me more happiness than I expected when moving overseas.


A cliche, this one. United States, the land of possibilities.

But I have to admit, I’ve fallen for it — sort of, when it comes to jobs. As for careers in Norway, it’s easy to stay in the same job for decades. In my case, I was a journalist for a local newspaper. If I’d ever want to step up the ladder in the same job, odds are I’d have to wait for the editor to retire. Which was fine with me, I loved my role and my aim wasn’t to climb to the top, it was all about having a balanced lifestyle. And this, my country is a master at.

But if you’re one who wants to do a lot of different things, side hustles, with an ultimate goal of becoming a CEO for something, somewhere, Norway is probably not the best…



Melissa Frost

Journalist. Mom. Wife. Norwegian in the U.S. Minimalist-ish.