This Is What Happened After I Came Out About Being Sexually Abused

Looking back at past trauma through an optimistic lens is a powerful tool that completely changes your perspective on life.

Varun Khadri


Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

You can’t fully enjoy the present if you’re still running from your past. This piece is my way of embracing my horrifying experience of being sexually abused.

A few weeks ago, I finally spoke about this publically for the first time ever in a LinkedIn post.

I received an outpouring of heartfelt messages but I never actually mentioned what I learned from that experience.

So, instead of writing about the scars that the ordeal has left on my psyche, I’m going to tell you about the lessons that I’ve learned through it

Holding Onto Anger Is Poisonous

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die — Malachy McCourt

Holding onto anger and hatred does nothing to the wrongdoer but everything to the victim.



Varun Khadri

Ghostwriter to millionaires. Editor-in-chief at The Post-Grad Survival Guide