THIS Is What It Means to Appreciate Art in All Things

Art seemed elusive to me at first, but now I understand: it’s about seeing beauty in things

Hannah To ✨ | Lifelong Learner


Photo of a girl staring at a colorful in a gallery
Photo by Elisa Aquino

It took a while for me to understand what art is all about. Over twenty years, frankly.

Art seemed elusive to me at first, something only artists would understand. I later realized that I can’t comprehend it by reading, but by deliberately absorbing, interacting, and appreciating something to know what makes it special.

Since then, I learned to savor my meals. I delight in eating: how oil makes my chicken noodles tasty, how figs are perfect for a Swiss cheese fondue, how black coffee comes with fruity or nutty notes.

A stranger-turned-friend once said to me, “There are only two kinds of music: good and bad,” to which I nodded. Jazz is one of my favorite art forms. It stirs the soul to dance, speaks without saying a word, yet it can be complete noise for some people.

Paintings are a favored treat, one I love enjoying in solitude. On every museum visit, about one or two pieces bring me to a full stop-and-savor. I stare, in awe of how strongly ideas can be transferred through imagery, again, without saying a word.



Hannah To ✨ | Lifelong Learner

Entrepreneur, creative educator, and global volunteer. Helping lifelong learners think better, work smart, and live with purpose.