Why a Glass Water Bottle Helped Me Drink More Water

Shrishty Chandra
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2023

Transforming your Hydration Habits: The Benefits of Switching to a Glass Water Bottle

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

Do you struggle with drinking enough water throughout the day? I used to, too. I would forget to drink water for hours, and by the end of the day, I would feel sluggish and dehydrated. I blamed it on my busy schedule and lack of reminders, but I realized that my water bottle was also a factor.

I used to use a steel water bottle, which kept my water cold for hours. But, when I got thirsty and opened the bottle, I often found that there was no water left. I would sip on the few drops remaining and tell myself that I would refill it later, but I never did. This meant that I wasn’t drinking enough water.

One day, I decided to switch to a glass water bottle, and it made a world of difference. Here’s why:

  1. Visual Progress: With a glass water bottle, I could see how much water I was drinking throughout the day. Seeing my progress motivated me to drink more and hit my daily hydration goal. When your mind is able to quantify things, it can be a powerful motivator to keep going.
  2. Immediate Feedback: If I was running low on water or there was no water left in my bottle, I could immediately see that visually. This made it easier for me to realize that I needed to refill my bottle and drink more water. In contrast, with a steel bottle, I would pick it up with the expectation of drinking water, only to find that there was none. This expectation and reality conflict led me to not bother getting up to get more water.
  3. Environmental Benefits: Glass water bottles are also more environmentally friendly than plastic or steel bottles, as they can be recycled indefinitely. Additionally, glass bottles don’t contain harmful chemicals that can contaminate your water.
  4. Overall Cleanliness: Another benefit of using a glass water bottle is that it allows you to see how dirty or clean your bottle is. With a plastic or steel water bottle, you can’t see inside the bottle to check for residue or mold that can accumulate over time.

One other thing that has helped me improve my hydration habits is using a large glass water bottle. By using a bigger bottle, I don’t have to worry about running out of water quickly, which encourages me to drink more water throughout the day. Plus, it means I don’t have to refill my bottle as often, which saves time and reduces the risk of not filling my bottle and not drinking water at all. Overall, the combination of a glass water bottle and a larger size has been a game-changer for my hydration routine.

In conclusion, switching to a glass water bottle has helped me improve my water intake and overall health. If you’re struggling to drink enough water, I recommend giving it a try. You may be surprised at the difference it can make.


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