Why Can’t I Make Friends?

You are not alone if you experience loneliness or a lack of friends.

Victoria Taylor
4 min readFeb 11, 2023


Photo by Felix Rostig on Unsplash

Making new friends as an adult may seem challenging or impossible, but if you’re ready to do the work, you can do it.

Why It’s Difficult to Make Friends

There are several explanations for why someone can find it difficult to establish friends.

— Anxiety

Many people experience some level of nervousness when meeting new people, which is a frequent cause of this issue. The source of this anxiety is a worry about being disapproved of or criticized by others.

It may be challenging to focus on and participate in a discussion when feeling anxious or unsure about oneself, making it difficult for certain people to connect with the other person. We may avoid establishing acquaintances as a result of these unpleasant sentiments.

Examine your thoughts and emotions the next time you try to make friends to see whether you have any anxiety, worry, or uncertainty. Then consider if these sensations or ideas promote or prevent your ability to create friends. By doing this, you can comprehend why it is difficult for you to form friends.

— Avoidance

Do you ever shy away from or decline opportunities because you want to avoid dealing with the challenges of establishing friends? Our tendency to avoid difficult situations may go undetected or ignored.

Ask yourself why when you decline social chances. Be aware of that choice and the source of it. It might be challenging to do so when you don’t put yourself out there to meet new acquaintances.

— High Expectations

People could place a lot of pressure on themselves to have plenty of friends and be well-liked. It is optional to have a large group of friends; occasionally, having only one or two will be enough to reap the rewards of solid connections on a psychological level.

Release any pressure you may be experiencing to make many acquaintances and concentrate on developing one or two significant relationships.

The Effects of Not Having Friends on Mental Health

Attachments and friendships are crucial. Lack of friends or bad, superficial friendships can be detrimental to your mental health because they are essential to your general well-being.

  • Lack of belonging. We have a sense of belonging when we find and keep strong connections, a protective aspect that aids in stress management.
  • Loneliness. When faced with difficulties, a sense of “we-ness” and support — often found in solid friendships — can make things easier for us. On the other hand, loneliness and isolation are fostered by a lack of sufficient social support, which can be felt by someone who lacks genuine friendships.
  • A mental health issue. We are social beings who need and require intimate, meaningful relationships with others, making loneliness and isolation substantial risk factors for a wide range of mental health issues.

Advice on How to Make Friends

— Seek Comfortable Environments

Looking for strategies to make yourself feel at ease and at ease when establishing new friends is crucial. This necessitates a critical reflection on oneself and the setting best suits their needs.

Do you prefer social situations with many people present, or do you choose one-on-one interactions? Your ability to locate the ideal setting to develop new connections may be improved by knowing the answers to these questions.

Consider the activities and environments that make you feel good about yourself. Is there, for instance, a sport, hobby, or other activity you like to engage in that makes you feel confident? Have you had a favorite or well-known spot you want to go to?

It’s normal to feel anxious when meeting acquaintances, so try to control your anxiety by adding comforting and familiar factors to the situation.

— Consider Therapy

If you have trouble finding that sense of belongingness within friendships, think about talking to a therapist who can assist you in comprehending your particular challenges and collaborating with you to solve them. For instance, there can be elements of your past that have an impact on your capacity to be vulnerable and open to meeting new people.

You can get the support and direction you require via therapy.


Your mental health may suffer if you cannot establish friends since it might make you feel lonely and alone. It’s critical to understand that you’re not alone; many believe you lack friends.

You must approach individuals and put yourself out there if you want to make friends. While this could be frightening, selecting settings where you feel at ease is beneficial. It might be helpful to establish intimate relationships with even one or two people to have a sense of belonging.

Consider visiting a therapist who can help you with your problems if you struggle to establish friends or feel a part of your relationships.

This article was co-written with a therapist from Sensera — a self-help app that provides daily CBT audio sessions and exercises. The app helps people deal with a variety of mental issues (anxiety, low self-esteem, and relationship problems). Download now to become happier!



Victoria Taylor

I'm working to manage my low self-esteem and ongoing anxiety. Wanna assist others. My self-therapy app: https://sensera.app