Why Do You Fail at Sticking to a Healthy Lifestyle?
If you cannot follow a diet or exercise routine, adapt it to fit your needs
Mass media promotes self-optimization heavily. We are expected to be healthy, happy, slim, and forever young. If we don’t fit that role model, it comes across as being our fault. In real life, we are constantly struggling to be the best version of ourselves. Especially the young working mom suffers.
Picture this scenario: You signed up for a mastermind class that helps you become a better version of yourself. The transformation coach empowers you to stick to her rigorous health regime on the webinar while you transfer your money onto her bank account. What is in for you? You want to look as sexy, happy, and chillaxed as that young woman in the webinar — your Instagram goddess-idol for years.
In her Instagram posts, she always looks stunning: Perfect body, sun-kissed tan, toned belly, big smile 24/7 (I‘m sure she even smiles while she is asleep). You see her practicing yoga acrobatics three times a day along the beach and sipping her green smoothie while talking about cleansing and intermittent fasting.