Why Is It Easier To Talk About Your Problems With Strangers?

They usually ask the right questions

Karmelina Husejnovic


Photo by Haut Risque on Unsplash

“Experience taught me that what we cannot explain to ourselves we should say to another person. You can fool yourself with some part of the picture which springs out of an inexplicable feeling, because it hides from the torment of the recognition and runs into a vertigo, drunkedness which seeks no sense. The other person requires an exact word, that is why you search for it, you feel it lies somewhere in you, you chase it, the word or its shadow, you recognize it on the other person’s face, in other person’s look, when they start to understand. The listener is a midwife in the difficult delivery of the words. Or something even more important. If that other person wants to understand.” (Meša Selimović, The Fortress)

Sometimes your life, your perception of what goes on in your life, overwhelms you so much, that you cannot see clearly. You don’t realize what lies right in front of your nose. You do not admit to yourself that something is bothering you much more than you think. Your job, your relationship, your finances, even your own habits …

So, you make excuses.

Excuses for your inaction, excuses for your stubbornness, excuses for your unhappiness. What lies behind this is fear. And it’s the worst kind of…



Karmelina Husejnovic

An experienced journalist. Aspiring writer. Linguist. Dreamer. Fighting Ego since 2014. Unboxing life https://twitter.com/KarmelinaHu