Why It’s Hard To Feel Grateful When You’re Depressed

What I realized when someone stole my eggs.

Julia Appa


Photo by Masha Raymers from Pexels

“Just be a little more grateful and you’ll see your negative feelings disappear.”

That’s a common phrase I repeatedly hear when I talk about my depression and what’s been on my mind lately. I don’t necessarily think that it’s bad advice and I know that gratitude can have enormous psychological and physical benefits.

Gratitude can:

  • reduce negative emotions like envy, regret, and resentment
  • increase empathy
  • ensure better and longer sleep
  • improve self-esteem
  • improve physical health

Some people have even argued that practicing gratitude can lift you out of your depression and while all of that is nice to hear, I feel like most people just don’t get it.

Gratitude doesn’t come easy to me.

It’s not that I don’t want to feel grateful or that I can’t see anything to be grateful for. There’s plenty of things to be grateful for.

I am grateful for having a roof over my head and having food and fresh water every day. I am grateful for having parents and friends. I am grateful for having access to…



Julia Appa

Just a 23-year-old who’s obsessed with writing. Instagram: juliaminus_romeo