Why “You’re Not Ugly, You’re Just Poor” Is Absolute Bullsh*t

Look and feel your best even on a tight budget

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2022


Photo by Lians Jadan on Unsplash

The modern world is a cesspool of glorified excuses.

The hugest one is blaming the lack of money for being out of shape, eating unhealthy, and dressing like a street bum.

Sure, Guccis, celebrity trainers, and Michelin-star chefs cost fat dollar stacks.

But none of those are necessary to build an aesthetic physique, ear clean, and primp yourself enough to turn heads.

It’s a conspiracy cooked up by the usurious consumer economy — so billion-dollar corporations can feed on your wallet-emptying and card-swiping frenzy.

In this article, I’ll prove how you can look and feel your best without burying yourself in debt.

Getting and Staying in Shape Will Actually SAVE You Money

Bank-breaking supplements. Wallet-torching gym memberships. Card-maxing athleisure.

They are only luxuries.

Strip to your vest and khakis. Head to the local park, your garage, or the terrace — at least 6 square feet of space and something to hang from.

Ledges, steel pipes, tree branches, or even…



Neeramitra Reddy

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