Redefining the Patient-Provider Partnership

Lygeia Ricciardi
Whose health is it anyway?
2 min readAug 24, 2020

Back in the day, doctors gave orders, and patients were expected to follow them. End of story.

But that’s changing, due in part to broad cultural shifts, and to the power of information technology. Many patients are becoming more empowered as partners in their health and healthcare: they’re doing independent research, collaborating with patient peers, gathering and sharing new sources of data from wearables, and expecting that healthcare providers will tailor care to meet their unique needs and preferences. As a result, the doctor’s role is increasingly shifting from “the sage on the stage” to “the guide on the side.”

Many people would agree that the old model of care and its role expectations were problematic. And not just because they diminish patients. Many healthcare providers suffer from anxiety, depression, burnout, and even suicide because of professional pressures. But establishing new patterns, behaviors, and models of care takes time, empathy, and creativity. We’ll hear from pioneers on both sides of the patient-provider partnership who have helped to reshape it in ways that benefit both parties.

In this episode of Health IRL: A Collaborative Conversation, we talked about Redefining the Patient-Provider Partnership with Dr. Jonathan Fisher, Cardiologist and Physician Leader at Novant Health, and Donna Cryer, Patient Advocate and President and CEO of the Global Liver Institute.

The topics we covered included:

  • The complementary kinds of expertise providers and patients can bring to the table.
  • How technology and virtual care are reshaping the patient-provider relationship.
  • How better partnerships between patients and providers can transform quality of life and improve health outcomes.

Watch here.

This webinar is part of a series called, “Health IRL: A Collaborative Health Conversation.” Learn more about this initiative and watch past sessions.



Lygeia Ricciardi
Whose health is it anyway?

I empower consumers through digital health. Founder at AdaRose: giving busy people tools for achievable micro-moments of wellness.