Who Knew a Brush Could Bring So Much Joy? Here Are The Surprising Benefits of Dry Brushing

Vanessa O.
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2022
Photo by Nathan b Caldeira: https://www.pexels.com/photo/back-view-of-a-topless-woman-6913048/

Even if the spiritual aspects of dry brushing don’t interest you, it’s still worth giving it a try for the amazing physical benefits.
Number 1, Your body will love you for it, as dry brushing can leave your skin feeling incredibly smooth and silky.

In fact, it’s so smooth that you won’t be able to resist touching yourself.

Dry brushing also referred to as “garshana,” is a simple and traditional Ayurvedic practice that involves using a dry, natural bristle brush to gently exfoliate and stimulate the skin in a specific pattern, starting at the feet and working upwards towards the heart.

It is believed to have numerous health benefits.

It can help to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells, which can improve the appearance of the skin and make it feel smoother. It can also help to improve circulation and promote lymphatic drainage, which can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

So see it as a quick and easy way to:
1. Improve circulation
2. Stimulate the lymphatic system
3. Remove toxins from the body
4. Detoxify the skin by removing dead skin cells and promoting the release of toxins

Other benefits

Dry brushing is linked to have mental and emotional benefits. It is believed to help reduce stress and improve sleep and is often recommended to promote relaxation and calm the mind.

Dry brushing can also help to improve digestion and boost the immune system.

While it is often considered a beauty treatment, dry brushing can also have spiritual benefits.

One of the spiritual benefits of dry brushing is that it helps to bring awareness to areas of the body that we may have been ignoring.

As we brush our skin, we are forced to pay attention to each part of our body and become more attuned to what is happening within us. This can help us become more aware of our emotions and physical sensations, which can be an important part of our spiritual journey.

Another spiritual benefit of dry brushing is that it can help to uncover unresolved traumas or problems. We may become aware of areas that feel tender or sensitive, which can signify neglect of unresolved issues. By bringing these issues to the surface, we can begin to work through them and find healing.

Dry brushing can also help to cultivate a deep sense of connectedness to our true selves.

As we pay closer attention to our bodies and inner sensations, we become more connected to our emotions, desires, and motivations. This inner connection helps us to better understand ourselves and our place in the world.

To experience the spiritual benefits of dry brushing, it is important to be patient, present, and aware of what we are sensing.

This is what is known as inner awareness, and it is an essential aspect of the spiritual practice of dry brushing. By embracing this inner awareness, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

As you embark on your spiritual journey, remember that the path to self-discovery and growth is unique to each individual. Don’t be afraid to ask for guidance and support along the way. With an open heart and an open mind, you can find the answers and connections you seek.

If you’re ready to take the next step and learn more about how to connect using this method, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. You can send me a message or head to my website and complete the new client consultation form to get a free energy evaluation and plan for services directly tailored to your needs. Together, we can explore the path that’s right for you and create a plan for moving forward. So take that first step, and let’s start your journey today!



Vanessa O.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Writer on how to energetically glow up your life through self-improvement, self love and energy healing practices in a practical way