Hong Kong Startups that are Hiring (Part 1)

Hong Kong Tech & Startups Job Fair #9 Special Feature

Minnie Wong
9 min readJan 15, 2018


We are excited to partner with InvestHK again to host the Hong Kong Tech & Startups Job Fair #9 during the StartMeUp festival! We are taking this opportunity to showcase all the WHubbers that will join us at the job fair!

Excited to meet the startup teams in person? Click here to secure your ticket to the job fair for free!


(Click here to see all their current job openings)

What personality traits do you look for in your ideal team members?

Willing to go the extra mile & self-motivated.

What was the last big achievement that was celebrated?

Our 1 year anniversary (12+ clients acquired in 1 year)

The formation and background of Agorize Asia

Does the company host social outings or events for employees?

Team building to come for early 2018!

What continuing learning opportunities do you have for your employees?

Jumping on other roles and missions outside of your job description.

What excites you about your company’s future?

Unlimited market and expanding startup culture in Asia!


(Click here to see all their current job openings)

What personality traits do you look for in your ideal team members?

Proactive, responsible, open-minded, problem-solving and FUN

What was the last big achievement that was celebrated?

Client and Funder’s appreciation message

Does the company host social outings or events for employees?

Day time activities include ziplining, hiking, abseiling, badminton, BBQ, Camping and boat trip. Night time activities include we had poker, pool table, drinks and Karaoke.

What continuing learning opportunities do you have for your employees?

We provide study sponsor for staffs, some internal and external training. Also, staff can have the chance to rotate to Taiwan and other Asian offices.

What excites you about your company’s future?

We have office in Taiwan and will be expanding to Singapore and Indonesia soon! We are also excited about getting more and more team members to join our big family!


(Click here to see all their current job openings)

What personality traits do you look for in your ideal team members?

Self-driven and motivated, not afraid to suggest new ideas and grow beyond the confines of the role. Another important trait that we look for is the ability to work well with colleagues from different cultural and professional backgrounds, for example, we now have more than 12 nationalities represented between our engineering and business teams.

What was the last big achievement that was celebrated?

We actually do a round-up of achievements and ongoing challenges of each department each week that we share with the whole team. But during the office Christmas celebrations, we took the opportunity to reflect on our growth and development over the year.

Does the company host social outings or events for employees?

We try to arrange informal drinks every week and one official social activity per month.

The Gatecoin Team

What continuing learning opportunities do you have for your employees?

We have a knowledge sharing initiative, inviting different members of the team to present on ongoing topics in the blockchain space. We also encourage mentorship among senior and junior colleagues and are open to subsidizing participation in relevant learning courses outside of the office.

What excites you about your company’s future?

We are well positioned in the heart of a fast-growing and exciting area of fintech that is coming into the mainstream. We are excited about our physical expansion into new geographies and the development of more services related to our exchange platform and expertise in the blockchain ecosystem. Therefore we look forward to building our engineering and business teams at our headquarters in Hong Kong, hopefully growing to 50 or more employees by the end of this year.


(Click here to see all their current job openings)

What personality traits do you look for in your ideal team members?

We are looking for team players who would not afraid to take responsibility and able to help the team achieve great results.

What was the last big achievement that was celebrated?

For the past year, we have won some prestigious business awards including:

  1. the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) — winner of the Application, Tools, and Platforms category (2017)
  2. Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 : Award of the Year
  3. Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 : Best Business Solution Grand Award

Does the company host social outings or events for employees?

Yes. Mainly we have a beer Friday event every week so could mingle with each other and have a great time chatting and laughing before leaving for the weekends.

What continuing learning opportunities do you have for your employees?

Peak performance coaching, online training (eg. Coursera, Udacity), in-house mentoring, conferences, evening classes, seminars and weekly peer-to-peer sharing

What excites you about your company’s future?

Today, every office professionals know how to use MS Office, G Suite, and Keynote. These are the basic tools everyone uses on a daily basis to get work done. Soon, every office professional will be making video as video is the most engaging communication media. And GoAnimate will become the defacto tool for making videos. We will be as widely used as MS Office, G Suite, and Keynote. We will be on every office professional’s device.


(Click here to see all their current job openings)

What personality traits do you look for in your ideal team members?

A willingness to learn and to take initiative.

What was the last big achievement that was celebrated?

Just last month we released a new brand identity featuring a new logo and website with increased functionality. To celebrate we offered 100% off our fees on all incorporation and transfer packages. We attracted a lot of interest making the launch a great success.

Does the company host social outings or events for employees?

Every Wednesday we have a team lunch giving us quality time to catch up and bond. Not to mention free food is always a good thing!

What continuing learning opportunities do you have for your employees?

Working directly with our founder is a learning opportunity in itself and we’re always willing to consider sponsoring courses, etc. to help our employees develop their skills.

What excites you about your company’s future?

We expect a lot of growth and big changes as we push towards our goal of becoming an all in one online cloud based solution resource for SMEs, first in Hong Kong and then elsewhere. We will also eventually develop our very own app to provide entrepreneurs even easier access to everything they need to set up and maintain a company. Can’t wait for the challenge!

M800 Limited

(Click here to see all their current job openings)

What personality traits do you look for in your ideal team members?

We value positive work-ethics, open-mindedness and the willingness to learn. There will be times where work can be challenging but as long as you have the passion and can go the extra mile, you are more than welcome to join us and get rewarded with a fulfilling career.

What was the last big achievement that was celebrated?

We were very recently named the winner of two Gold and one Silver award at the 2017 Stevie International Business Awards. The two Gold wins were from Innovation of the Year in Business Product Industries for M800 Communication Platform as a Service (CPaas) and Best New Product of The Year — Software — Platform as a Service for M800 Communication SDK Suite. The Silver was the Best New Product of The Year — Software — Cloud Application for M800 OTT White Label Communication Suite.

Adding to the significance of these wins, we were competing alongside established organizations that have a longer history in the industry.

Does the company host social outings or events for employees?

Yes, we regularly hold holiday and company-wide social events such as barbecues, hiking, and VR game experiences. Employees also have daily lunch and tea time which are offered by the company, providing a good opportunity for co-workers from different departments to catch up over meals and socialize.

What continuing learning opportunities do you have for your employees?

At the moment we do not have any formal learning platform though. However, employees share amongst each other any new knowledge they have learn through social platforms. Some teams also gather for informal monthly sharing sessions. All staff at M800 receives on-job training upon starting with us. They also have the opportunity to transfer to other departments to learn new knowledge if they so desire.

What excites you about your company’s future?

Thanks to our multicultural team makeup and innovative business vision, we are confident in being able to grow to heights unseen. M800 is experiencing an exciting moment, playing a vital role in leading digital transformation in the new digital economy. M80 serves international clients across various vertical industries. We are also an IoT enabler and supporter of the building of smart cities.

Riotly Social Media

(Click here to see all their current job openings)

What personality traits do you look for in your ideal team members?

​Smart, proactive, fast learners, people who are passionate about learning and ambitious. Even if they do not have the right skills, that is ok we are looking for the hard-workers, out-of-the-box people who can make up for the lack of skills with motivation and mental grit.

What was the last big achievement that was celebrated?

Achieved 700 customers, and grew our revenues by 3x from last year.

Does the company host social outings or events for employees?

Yes, we have 2 events per month. We call them Riotly Hang’s out, and we all take turns “hosting” the event by choosing what to do.

What continuing learning opportunities do you have for your employees?

Conferences, books and online courses. I encourage my team to find anything they believe that can advance their knowledge.

What excites you about your company’s future?

We are working on some great new products that help businesses increase their exposure. We are using advanced techniques in image recognition, machine learning and big data to develop sophisticated tools for our customers. We are excited to leverage the social data that we have to make actionable decisions to bring in revenue.


(Click here to see all their current job openings)

What personality traits do you look for in your ideal team members?

Passionate, enthusiastic, compassionate, energetic and a good team player!

What was the last big achievement that was celebrated?

Our team held the Legal Tech conference (DragonCon), bringing together more than 100 lawyers, technologist, legislators and investors together to learn how technology is changing the legal industry.

Does the company host social outings or events for employees?

Yes, we regularly hold team dinners, and social activities to encourage team building. We also run DragonFit Fridays, where our team chooses an outdoor activity to do on a Friday morning, such as hiking, yoga, etc.

What continuing learning opportunities do you have for your employees?

We’re constantly running skill-building workshops within teams, as well as giving opportunities to learn skills across other teams.

What excites you about your company’s future?

Zegal is expanding rapidly. In the last 3 years, we’ve launched in 4 new markets, with no signs of stopping. We’re a young and agile company, with big goals, whilst maintaining a tight-nit team.

