It was not easy to set up a new life

Subhi Moazzen
Why am I in Turkey?
4 min readAug 30, 2017
Photo Taken By: Ferdi Ferhat Özsoy

They invited us to their home. We had a wonderful time. It was more than a interview. We became friends. Thank you. — Subhi Moazzen

His Story

I am a 22 year man from Aleppo. After graduating from high school, I started to study at university at English Literature Department but I had to quit after a month because of war. Actually, we did not experience war a lot because we left the country when the war escalated. We left everything behind in Syria and came Turkey. We had a textile company and a home in Aleppo. After we came here, it was very difficult to do anything because we did not know anyone, how to do it and there was a language barrier. I found a job in the footwear store in 2013 and I was making sales. I started learning Turkish while working.

I didn’t have time to think of anything but work because we lost everything and I had to set up a life. I worked in the store for a year and a half. I learned Turkish very well and sometimes people cannot understand am I a Syrian or Turk. While working, I made both Syrian and Turkish friends. We started to meet in an association with my friends later. I wanted to do something for Syria; I wanted to help people in Syria during the war. I started working at an association which is doing humanitarian aid. They made a very nice offer and we have done projects together both in Turkey and Syria. I was in charge of education programs, after working with more than a year. We had meetings with Fatma Şahin and other mayors. I had the opportunity to meet important people in this process. I was going to a meeting in other associations because my Turkish is very good.

I have witnessed a lot of things, I have had good or bad experiences, but I took lessons from everything I lived. Many opportunities came; it was good for me to give up some of them because if you don’t give up something it gets worse over time. But we left everything behind us; It does not matter so much for us now. After I started to work at the association, I planned to continue my university education. I applied to University’s twice, but they did not accept. Though I succeeded in TÖMER, they did not accept it, and I applied for Arabic program and entered the university this way. I am a sophomore at business department. I am setting up my life slowly.

Photo Taken By: Ferdi Ferhat Özsoy

When I was living in Syria, life was very easy. I was going to school and spent time with my friends. I went to my father’s company, and I did not have much difficulty. But my father does not work enough to meet the family needs. After the war, everything began to get worse. It was my job to make money because my father did not work. My father is 51 years old and could not do anything here after he lost his company during the war. Now we are in better condition, my mother opened the hairdresser shop and my dad became a partner with my uncle after he saved some money. He earns money from the work he does, but it is very difficult for us to live in Turkey in general. Especially the first two years have been very difficult because we did not know anyone. But now I am getting used to living here.

Actually, I do not feel out of place anymore and I can travel comfortably. We live in Gaziantep for 4 years and I see the Gaziantep as my city. Yes, actually Gaziantep is a nice little place. It was not crowded in Aleppo too; it was a bigger but beautiful city. I did not like Istanbul, although I have been there many times. I could not feel self there, maybe because it was too crowded. I cannot live in crowded places and I do not like the crowds at all.

I have a dream and I want to be a businessman. I want to work for my country and myself and to make a better life.

