On International Women’s Day

Company Culture Matters
3 min readMar 8, 2023
Source: Canva Pro

International Women’s Day has been celebrated for over a century and is recognised globally on March 8th each year. The day is rooted in the socialist and labour movements of the early 20th century. It was was first observed in 1909 in the United States, and later adopted as International Women’s Day by the United Nations in 1975.

International Women’s Day is meant to uplift the experiences of women, or those who are seen as manifestations of the feminine energy of the world. It involves celebrating their achievements in various fields, raising awareness about the ongoing struggles they face, and promoting their rights universally.

At Milan Global, we believe that such days cannot be taken as off-on moments to celebrate the people they are dedicated to, but as a pointed opportunity to highlight issues, question the norm and incorporate better practices that enable long-term change.

At Milan Global, we believe that such days cannot be taken as off-on moments to celebrate the people they are dedicated to, but as a pointed opportunity to highlight issues, question the norm and incorporate better practices that enable long-term change.

Here are the ways your organisation can create a culture that reflects the values of International Women’s Day throughout the year:

  • Promoting and supporting women’s leadership and advancement within the company. This can include creating mentorship and sponsorship programs that take into account identity-based barriers, providing professional development opportunities, and actively recruiting and promoting women to leadership positions. Alternatively, this can simply look like all the women in a company feeling like they are heard and represented in the way they believe they should be. Our leadership at Milan Global has historically reflected a balanced mix of genders and diverse identities. Whether this is always the case or not, every human within our ecosystem must feel represented by their leadership.
  • Establishing policies and initiatives that support the needs of women in the workplace, such as flexible working hours, parental leave, and access to childcare. This can help to ensure that women are not penalised for taking on caregiving responsibilities and are able to balance their work and personal lives. At Milan Global, we have a culture of not questioning our employees when it comes to taking time off for their families. Rather, we encourage them to place their children and spouse first (regardless of the gender of the parent).
  • Creating a culture of respect and zero tolerance for intentional discrimination and harassment. Companies can do this by empowering every person within the resources and tools to educate themselves about identity, be it gender, caste, class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, ability, etc. and the role it plays in how an individual experiences the world. This provides context for individuals to make informed choices when dealing with differences. At Milan Global, we work to facilitate formal and informal discussions for team members to be touch with each other’s reality. This has also allowed us to better the service and care we provide to diverse communities across the globe.

Happy International Women’s Day! May this be only the beginning of a lifelong practice that honours understanding, diversity and inclusion in every space you build.

