Ever Wondered What Fuels Your Passion?

Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2023

Let’s get one thing straight: we’ve all been there — that intense urge to learn about something new, and that sweet satisfaction that follows when you delve deep into a subject you love. But have you ever stopped and pondered, “What’s the real force behind this drive?” Spoiler: It’s a dance between curiosity and interest.

Here’s a Thought: Curiosity vs. Interest

At first glance, curiosity and interest might look like twins. Both scream: “Let’s explore!” But delve a little deeper and their unique flavors start to emerge. Curiosity is like that spontaneous adventure — it’s sudden, intense, and begs to know more right here, right now. Interest, on the other hand, is that cherished hobby — it’s been there, it’ll be there, growing steadily with time.

What Makes Curiosity Tick?

Imagine this: You’re watching a gripping movie, but the power cuts off just before the climax. Annoying, right? That burning need to know “What happens next?” — that’s curiosity. It’s that temporary itch you just have to scratch. Born from novelty or a sudden gap in our knowledge, curiosity won’t rest until it’s fed.

The Enduring Charm of Interest

Interest isn’t quite so demanding. It’s that comforting cup of tea you return to, time and again. There’s no urgency, but there’s depth. With interest, you don’t just skim the surface — you dive deep, savoring every moment. It doesn’t need a pressing question; it thrives just from the joy of learning more about what you love.

Where They Meet and Where They Part

Sure, they have their differences, but they’re kind of like best buddies:

  • Both light up that bulb in your head saying, “Let’s learn!”
  • They fuel attention, making sure you’re all in.
  • When they’re around, learning is not a chore — it’s an adventure.

But remember: curiosity is fleeting, often sparked by a pressing question. Interest, on the other hand, is in for the long haul, always there, beckoning you back.

The Dynamic Duo: How Curiosity Paves the Way for Interest

Think of it like this: curiosity is the appetizer, and interest is the main course. Your initial intrigue in a topic (thanks, curiosity!) can often lead you to develop a deeper, lasting interest. It’s a beautiful feedback loop where one fuels the other, taking you on a rollercoaster of learning and exploration.

Embracing a Curiosity Mindset: The Secret Ingredient to Lifelong Learning

Ever heard of the “growth mindset”? Well, think of the curiosity mindset as its adventurous cousin.

Having a curiosity mindset means constantly asking “Why?” and “How?”, and seeking to understand the world from multiple angles. It’s about challenging the status quo, embracing uncertainties, and viewing each obstacle as a thrilling puzzle waiting to be solved.

Those with a curiosity mindset never see a dead-end; they only see opportunities to expand their horizons. When this mindset is nurtured, not only does it lead to deeper interests, but it also transforms the way we approach life: as a never-ending journey of discovery.

By fostering this mindset, we position ourselves as lifelong learners, always hungry for the next tidbit of knowledge, and always ready for the next adventure. It’s not just about knowing more; it’s about cultivating a zest for the unknown, and that’s a recipe for a fulfilling, ever-evolving life.

Unlocking the Power of Both

So, with these two forces at play, how can we make the most of them? For educators and leaders, the key lies in recognizing their unique strengths:

For Curiosity: Pose challenges. Introduce mysteries. Let learners ask the big questions.
For Interest: Connect the dots between new info and what learners already know. Let choice and personal relevance shine.

Ultimately, by nurturing both curiosity and interest, we can craft a learning journey that’s not just about consuming information but truly experiencing the joy of discovery.

In a Nutshell

Curiosity and interest — two sides of the same coin, each with its own flavor. While curiosity asks the pressing questions, interest luxuriates in deep dives. By understanding and appreciating the dance between the two, we can unlock a world of passionate learning.

So next time you feel that urge to explore or find yourself lost in a subject you love, take a moment to thank the dynamic duo of curiosity and interest. They’re the unsung heroes behind every learning adventure. Cheers to the quest for knowledge!



Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity

Neuroscientist and director at Datada Pty Ltd. When I'm not navigating neurons or decoding data, you'll find me with a backpack in a remote corner of the globe