The Brain-Boosting Secret Most Adults Are Missing!

Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2023

Why Kids See Magic in EVERYTHING

Do you remember the last time you stood in awe, gazing at a simple raindrop? Or marveled at the silhouette of a dancing shadow? Children do, and they do it every single day. Here’s why.

Do You Remember When the World Was a Wonderland?

Childhood isn’t just a phase; it’s a never-ending journey of wonder. While we adults often find ourselves trapped in the monotony of our routines, children? They’re on a relentless exploration spree. Every little sight, sound, and sensation is an untapped universe beckoning them closer. The soft touch of a blanket, the echo in a vast room, the taste of that first snowflake — for them, it’s pure magic. And it all stems from an unyielding sense of curiosity.

Seeing, Touching, Experiencing: A Child’s Journey Through Sensory Wonderland

How many times have you seen a toddler endlessly amused by the rustling of leaves? Or a baby, fascinated by the play of light and shadow? From day one, children are sensory explorers. They’re piecing together a complex jigsaw puzzle, one sensory experience at a time. They’re not just passive observers — they’re active participants in this grand theatre called life.

Why Curiosity Isn’t Just “Cute”, It’s CRUCIAL

Oh, it’s so much more than an adorable trait. Curiosity is the rocket fuel propelling the spaceship of cognitive and emotional growth. It’s the compass guiding them towards resilience, empathy, and innovation. Every question a child asks, every puzzle they solve, and every challenge they navigate, strengthens their neural network, preparing them for a complex world.

A Duality of Wonder: The Two Types of Curiosity

  1. Cognitive Curiosity: Ever noticed kids asking “Why is the sky blue?” or “How do birds fly?”. That’s cognitive curiosity — a deep dive into the logic and reasoning behind the world’s wonders.
  2. Sensory Curiosity: Remember the joy of stomping in puddles? Or feeling the roughness of tree bark? That’s sensory curiosity. It’s all about experiencing the world in its raw, tactile glory.

As children grow, so does their curiosity. The pure sensory awe of infancy matures into the cognitive wonder of the later years. The questions evolve, and so do the answers. It’s a dance, a harmony, an evolution.

Hey Adults, It’s Your Move!

Ever wondered whose role it is to fan the flames of this curiosity? Look in the mirror. Parents, educators, and every adult in a child’s life have the magic wand. By being role models of curiosity, by fostering an environment of exploration, and by validating their endless questions, we ensure that the flame never dwindles.

The Brain’s Secret Reward System

Guess what? Every time a child’s curiosity is piqued, their brain throws a little dopamine party! It’s not just about the joy of discovering; it’s about the neurological rewards reinforcing the quest for knowledge. It’s nature’s way of saying, “Keep going, you’re on the right track!”

Wrapping It Up

Childhood curiosity isn’t just a phase; it’s a foundation. It shapes personalities, molds intellect, and most importantly, ignites the spark of lifelong learning. As guardians of this spark, it’s our duty to nurture it, for in it lies the future of innovation and discovery. So, the next time a child asks you a question, no matter how trivial, dive deep with them. After all, in their wonder-filled eyes, we might rediscover our lost world of curiosity.



Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity

Neuroscientist and director at Datada Pty Ltd. When I'm not navigating neurons or decoding data, you'll find me with a backpack in a remote corner of the globe