The One Simple Act that is Key to Unlocking Your Best Self

Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity
Published in
5 min readOct 1, 2023

What’s your daily routine? Coffee, commute, work, repeat? How often do you feel stuck, either in a mental rut or a cycle of stress? What if a simple activity could change all that?

Imagine transforming your physical health, elevating your mood, and even unlocking the doors to creativity — all with just one simple practice:


Are you skeptical? Intrigued?

Whatever your stance, hear me out.

Walking not only revs your body but also renews your mind. Don’t underestimate the power of a good stroll.

Let’s take a close look at the benefits of taking a walk.

Many see walking as a straightforward mode of transportation or a simple form of exercise. However, recent research suggests that walking does more than move you from point A to point B; it fuels your mind and piques your curiosity. This article delves into the relationship between walking and cognition, focusing on how it not only improves your physical well-being but also invigorates your mental landscape.

Physical Benefits of Walking

Cardiovascular Health

Walking activates your heart, slashes blood pressure, and fends off heart disease and stroke. With enhanced circulation, vital nutrients journey throughout your body, nourishing even your brain.

Muscular and Skeletal Health

Walking fortifies muscles and bones, amplifying bone density in key areas like hips and legs to ward off osteoporosis. This simple practice augments muscle strength and endurance, especially targeting the lower body. For arthritis sufferers, walking lubricates joints and heightens flexibility, easing pain.

Energy and Metabolism

Walking energizes, lifting your overall vitality. Frequent strolls escalate metabolism and ignite fat burning, offering an immediate lift in energy. Brisk uphill walks intensify heart rate and calorie burn, turbocharging your metabolic rate. To sustain this energy surge, complement your walking routine with a nutrient-dense diet.

Weight Management

Regular strolls incinerate calories and ramp up metabolism, paving the way for weight loss. Target 30–60 minutes of brisk walking most days to forge a calorie deficit.

Want to amp up the calorie burn? Incorporate intervals, tackle hills, or don a weighted vest during your walk. Pair this elevated activity with a balanced, calorie-conscious diet for optimal weight management.

Consistent brisk walks elevate calorie expenditure. Dedicate 30–60 minutes daily to burn between 200–400 calories, supporting your weight loss goals.

Intensify your efforts with speed intervals, uphill challenges, or weighted vests to maximize calorie burn. Complement these walks with a healthful, calorie-deficit diet for the most effective results.

To Run or to Walk?

Running may torch calories at a faster rate, but walking boasts its own advantages: endurance and frequency. The average person can cover greater distances walking than running and can integrate walking into their daily routine without requiring rest days. In contrast, novice runners typically need a day or two for recovery between runs.

Cognitive Benefits of Walking

Memory and Brain Function

Walking can boost memory and overall brain function in several key ways.

  • It increases blood flow to the brain, providing more oxygen and nutrients that enhance learning and memory.
  • Walking releases endorphins and other neurotransmitters that improve mood and mental clarity
  • Regular walking may stimulate neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells critical for cognitive function
  • Incorporating walking into daily routines can elevate brain health and keep the mind sharp at any age.

Cognitive Longevity

Walking fortifies cognitive longevity, warding off mental decline and slashing dementia risk as you age. Routine physical activity like walking can cut dementia risks by approximately 30% in certain studies. Walking strengthens connections both within and among crucial brain networks, enhancing memory, learning, and comprehensive brain function. Make walking a staple in your everyday activities to nurture enduring cognitive health and age with finesse.

Mood and Emotional Health

Walking effortlessly lifts spirits and fortifies emotional well-being. As you stride, your body discharges neurotransmitters like serotonin and endorphins, melting stress and dispelling anxiety.

Walking also amplifies cerebral blood flow and oxygen, fostering relaxation and buoyant moods.

Integrate regular walks into your daily habits to harvest enduring emotional and mental dividends.

Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving

Worried about a mental block?

Regular walks invigorate creativity and supercharge problem-solving abilities by over 60%, according to research. Walking pumps more blood to the brain, helping to spark new neural connections and ideas.

The cadence of walking often liberates the mind, enabling fresh insights to surface.

A quick stroll can shatter mental blocks, offering clarity and new angles to navigate challenges.

Benefits of Walking Outdoors

Stimulating Curiosity

Break out of your four walls.

Stepping outdoors surrounds you with a mix of fresh sights, captivating sounds, and novel experiences that ignite your curiosity.

Exploring nature outdoors ignites children’s curiosity too. Exposure to fresh sights, intriguing sounds, unfamiliar smells, diverse textures, and novel experiences fuels their innate drive to learn and comprehend their surroundings.

Mood Boost from Nature

Walking amidst nature not only tantalizes your senses but also further elevates your mood and dissolves stress.

Nature envelops you, diminishes anxiety, and washes away negative emotions. Your mind clarifies, your focus sharpens, and well-being seeps in.

Stroll through the green and watch your self-esteem climb, stress hormones plummet, and overall mental health rejuvenate.

Cognitive Stimulation

Trade your treadmill for a trail.

Venturing outdoors for physical activity outperforms indoor settings in enhancing cognition. Research demonstrates that outdoor walks amplify executive functions like attention, working memory, and cognitive flexibility more than their indoor counterparts. Here’s why the outdoors elevate cognitive prowess:

  • Natural elements captivate your senses, melt mental fatigue and rumination, and sharpen focus.
  • The unpredictability of the great outdoors keeps your cognition engaged.
  • The diversity of outdoor terrains and vistas frees the mind, fosters creativity, and amplifies cerebral blood flow, paving the way for new neural connections and ideas.
  • Stepping into unfamiliar outdoor settings bombards the senses, compelling the brain to interpret novel stimuli, and sparking curiosity and a will to explore.
  • Expansive outdoor spaces offer the liberty to roam, nurturing independence, honing decision-making, and refining problem-solving skills.

Sparking Creativity

Allow your mind to meander.

Outdoor walks liberate the mind, nurturing a fertile ground for creativity.

The cadence of each step encourages thoughts to meander, unlocking inventive insights.

Exposure to novel landscapes and sounds fuels your curiosity and amplifies your creative prowess.


Walking transcends its basic function as a form of physical exercise or transport. By increasing blood and oxygen flow to the brain and offering an endless buffet of novel experiences outdoors, walking invigorates your creative and problem-solving faculties. So, next time you find yourself stuck on a problem or yearning to spark your creativity, remember that the solution could be just a walk away.



Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity

Neuroscientist and director at Datada Pty Ltd. When I'm not navigating neurons or decoding data, you'll find me with a backpack in a remote corner of the globe