Unlock a Second Youth: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life Forever

Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity
Published in
5 min readSep 28, 2023


Curiosity is a superpower that can transform your life.

Curiosity and Age

Curious much?

When was the last time you found yourself lost in a sea of questions, drowning in wonder?

Forgotten, perhaps?

Why do we lose that childlike sense of awe as we age?

Stuck in a 9-to-5, we neglect the explorer in us. Life becomes a to-do list: Job, check. Marriage, check. Kids, check.

But wait, is life truly lived if curiosity is buried six feet under?

Let’s talk fear.

The fear of asking, the fear of deviating. A young child asks hundreds of questions each day; an adult, far less.

Is this because a child is smarter?


It’s expectations. As adults we’re expected to know things. To have it all figured out. To be the one asked the questions, not the one asking.

But, curiosity didn’t kill the cat; monotony did.

Let’s Take a Quick Look at The Research

Research shows that curiosity does not necessarily decline as we age, but rather, we often stop acting on it.

By reigniting our curiosity, we can experience numerous benefits.

Curiosity has been associated with higher levels of positive emotions, lower levels of anxiety, and greater psychological well-being. It can also improve cognitive functioning, helping our minds work more logically and efficiently.

Curiosity can make us better problem solvers, as it triggers deeper and more rational thinking, allowing us to come up with more creative solutions.

It also helps us remain vigilant and gain knowledge about our constantly changing environment.

In the workplace, curiosity can lead to greater learning, engagement, and performance.

Who climbs the ladder faster? The drone who never questions, or the ever-curious problem-solver?

I once knew a guy, let’s call him Joe.

Joe had been a stickler for routine throughout his career in accounting. Retirement offered him free time, and initially, he didn’t know what to do with it.

He admits he was easily bored, lonely, and watched far too much TV.

One day, while cleaning up his garage, Joe rediscovered an old guitar. Picking it up on a whim, he started playing a little each day.

After a few weeks, he enrolled in guitar lessons. Soon he was discovering not just the intricacies of chords and melodies but a whole community of music lovers. His newfound enthusiasm for learning didn’t stop there. Joe soon found himself engrossed in painting, gardening, and a local book club. Each hobby was a doorway to more knowledge and diverse communities.

This curiosity has impacted more than just his activities; it has enriched his social life as well. Joe is a better listener and friend. By embracing curiosity, Joe has transformed his retirement into one filled with discovery, deep relationships, and personal growth.

Reframe your world

What happens when you switch from assuming to asking “why”? You pave the way for empathy. When you’re genuinely curious, you listen. People feel heard; connections deepen. Imagine the ripple effects of such interactions, not just in your personal life but also professionally. Intriguing, isn’t it?

Who benefits when you approach every interaction with an open mind? Everyone. Ask about their story, their passions, their challenges. They’re not just a client or a customer; they’re a combination of fascinating experiences and ideas that might just be the missing piece to enrich your own perspective and understanding.

Curiosity: the Key to Unlock a Second Youth

Curiosity makes you more open-minded

Curiosity makes you more open-minded by encouraging you to gather more data points and consider various perspectives before making decisions. This approach helps you challenge your existing beliefs and assumptions, leading to greater self-awareness and intellectual development.

By being curious, you can better understand situations from different positions, consider other beliefs, experiences, and viewpoints, which in turn leads to a better understanding and greater empathy

This reduces bias, judgment, and conflict in decision-making.

Curiosity leads to presence

Curiosity allows us to tune into the present moment more deeply. When we approach experiences with childlike curiosity, we become fully immersed and engaged. This mindful presence enhances our ability to appreciate life’s small joys that we often overlook when trapped in our heads.

Studies show that mindful curiosity activates the brain’s reward and motivation circuits, flooding us with dopamine and endorphins. This creates a natural high, boosting mood and making mundane activities more pleasurable.

Being present and curious can turn everyday experiences like cooking, walking, or chatting with a friend into mini joyful adventures. Curiosity’s ability to anchor us in the here and now naturally reduces worry and rumination. Rather than being lost in thoughts about the past or future, curiosity brings our attention to the richness of the current moment.

Practicing mindful curiosity trains our brains to be more observant and appreciative on autopilot. Over time, a curiosity mindset rewires neural pathways, making us generally more optimistic, content, and grateful for life.

It provides lasting mood benefits beyond the immediate joy of quenching curiosity in the moment.

Curiosity boosts mental health

Curiosity can be a powerful antidote to anxiety and depression, as it encourages individuals to engage with the world around them and shift their focus away from negative thoughts and emotions. When fascinated with the world, it becomes difficult to remain trapped in one’s own head, as curiosity promotes exploration, learning, and a sense of wonder.

By fostering curiosity, individuals can experience a renewed sense of possibility and excitement in life. This shift in mindset can help counter feelings of anxiety and depression, as it encourages individuals to focus on the present moment and the opportunities for growth and discovery that it presents.

Plus, curiosity can help bring back the childlike awe and wonder that many people lose as they grow older. This sense of wonder can be a powerful tool for combating negative emotions and fostering a more positive outlook on life.

By cultivating curiosity, individuals can experience a greater sense of joy, gratitude, and overall well-being, making it an effective strategy for managing anxiety and depression.

The most successful people are voraciously curious

Curiosity is a powerful trait that can lead to greater success, fulfillment, and wellbeing in life. The most successful people across various fields tend to share an insatiable curiosity that drives them to constantly learn, grow, and achieve more. There are several key reasons why cultivating curiosity is so important. Let’s just focus on one — The Growth Mindset.

Curiosity helps maintain a growth mindset — the belief that one’s abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning. Curious people see challenges as opportunities to gain knowledge, rather than threats. This flexibility and hunger for knowledge enable faster personal growth.

The Sum Up

So unlock a second youth. Question everything. Dive into the mysteries of the universe and your own mind with enthusiasm. Pick up a new hobby. Regain your beginner’s mind. The more curious you become, the more fulfilled you will feel. Your entire life will change forever.

So, what are you curious about?



Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity

Neuroscientist and director at Datada Pty Ltd. When I'm not navigating neurons or decoding data, you'll find me with a backpack in a remote corner of the globe