Why Some Cultures Ask More Questions

Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2023

Have you ever wondered why some cultures seem more curious than others? Or why certain questions are off-limits in one place but completely normal elsewhere?

Diving Deep into Cultural Differences in Curiosity

Here’s something interesting: when surveys were conducted across European nations, guess what? There wasn’t a significant difference in curiosity levels. But, did you know that people higher up the organizational ladder seemed to be more curious? This could mean that while our inherent curiosity is pretty universal, the way we express it might be influenced by our cultural norms.

Let’s delve a bit deeper. In some cultures, toeing the line and not questioning the powers that be is the norm. Asking too many questions, especially as a child, might even earn you a stern look. On the flip side, in many Western settings, curiosity is championed. A curious child? That’s a bright child!

Now, here’s where it gets tricky. While some may happily chat about technology or the latest scientific discovery, topics like politics, sexuality, or religion remain touchy subjects in many cultures. The takeaway? Our inherent curiosity may be universal, but how we express it? Well, that’s molded by our cultural norms.

Building Bridges with Cross-Cultural Curiosity

Ever felt the urge to know how the other half lives? That’s cultural curiosity for you! It’s like a doorway to understanding the beautiful diversity that exists in our world.

The first step? Recognizing our own cultural shades and biases. Ever tried listening to a podcast from a different country or reading a newspaper from another continent? These are great ways to stoke that cultural fire of curiosity!

Engaging in dialogues with people from diverse backgrounds, sharing stories, and being genuinely open can help foster a sense of global community. And hey, our leaders play a big role too. Encouraging an environment of curiosity, where asking questions is rewarded and mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, can go a long way.

Ever wondered about the influence of our education system on curiosity? Hands-on learning experiences, field trips, and student exchange programs can ignite curiosity like nothing else! And on a larger scale, upholding values like freedom of speech and diversity can truly set the stage for societal curiosity.

The Secret Ingredient for Intercultural Relations? Curiosity.

Imagine navigating the vast maze of global cultures. What’s the torch that lights the way? It’s curiosity! Along with open-mindedness, respect, and flexibility, curiosity can be our guide.

Ever been in a situation where you experienced a cultural faux pas? With curiosity by your side, such mishaps can transform into golden learning moments. It’s about asking the right questions, re-evaluating our own cultural perspectives, and always having the desire to know more.

Remember, staying non-judgmental and inquisitive not only shows respect but also builds bridges of understanding. A dialogue infused with mutual curiosity? That’s a win-win for everyone involved!

Wrapping it Up

So, we’ve traveled the curious journey of cultural differences and explored ways to enhance cross-cultural curiosity. One thing’s clear: while we all have that spark of curiosity, the way we show it can vary based on our cultural lens.

As we strive to understand each other in our beautifully diverse world, let’s champion curiosity. Because, at its core, it’s about celebrating differences and forging connections. While there’s still much to explore, embracing a spirit of discovery can truly lead to global understanding and collaboration. What do you think?



Dr Suzi Travis
Why Curiosity

Neuroscientist and director at Datada Pty Ltd. When I'm not navigating neurons or decoding data, you'll find me with a backpack in a remote corner of the globe