Why I fell in love with Dart 

A series about Dart’s design decisions & inspirations

Thomas Schranz
Why Dart


At Blossom we’ve been using Dart in production now for over one year.
I feel it is time to look back and reflect on Dart as language & platform.

Over the last few years I’ve written code in various languages like
Ruby, Python, PHP, Haskell, Java, Go, C, Scala, JavaScript, CoffeeScript,
and a few more.

By now Dart is my favourite programming language.

In this series I’d like to show you why I fell in love with Dart
and what makes it special to me. I’m going to cover …

  • Dart’s clever language design decisions
  • How Dart relates to other languages
  • How Dart differs from other languages
  • Where Dart draws inspiration from

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